Today’s guest is Martin Wylie, a high performing sales executive with endless wisdom. After an insanely successful run at Tesla and SolarCity, Martin now leads inside sales for SunRun, the largest residential solar installer in the US. What I love about Martin is his ability to breakdown concepts and ideas into bite-sized pieces. He makes them easy to understand and actionable. This episode is a perfect example. On the show, we discuss many topics, including servant leadership, stress and time management, how to create a winning team, and how to build the kind of culture that will yield the best results. A big believer in the power of consistency, discipline, and patience, Martin shares how when we have this combination we are able to do incredible things. Martin also reveals how his areas of opportunities have ultimately become his greatest strengths, and how momentum, or Big Mo as he calls it, has been his recipe for success.
Learn more about Martin Wylie:
Website: https://swichpower.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martinwylie/
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